Monday, November 17, 2008

"Something just doesn't feel quite right...."

Every Friday afternoon, Elisa has her ballet class. She has been taking this class for almost 2 years now at the YMCA and she LOVES it. She has always had the same teacher, Miss Lauren, and Elisa cannot wait to get to class after school on Fridays.
However, this past Friday was different. A LOT different. In fact, if I knew just how different it was going to be and how many questions I would have to answer regarding this particular ballet class, I would have probably taken her to Friendly's instead for an ice cream.
We got to the YMCA and quickly changed into her leotard, tights and ballet slippers, and ran into the classroom. But wait! Where was Miss Lauren? She wasn't in the classroom like she usually is, but there was a young man in there doing some paperwork. When he looked up, he smiled and told Elisa that he would be her ballet teacher for the next few weeks as Miss Lauren was "away". I don't think Elisa was even fazed by this until he stood up (very gracefully, I might add) and tiptoed over to a table where he put on HIS ballet slippers that were exactly like Elisa's, and took her over to the bar to stretch. I have no idea what was going through my tiny girl's head as this was happening, but she just shot me a "What?!?" look as she followed him. She seemed to do well during the class, and he was great with her, so it all turned out okay. But I know that as we first realized that he was going to be her NEW ballet teacher, our first thought was "Something just doesn't feel right.."

Here's a clip from SNL (on YouTube with Beyonce and Justin Timberlake dancing to her new song 'Single Ladies') that made me may have to copy and paste it.. sorry! But it's worth it....


Anonymous said...

Holy Crap, I can't stop laughing just picturing Elisa's face, not to mention yours! So funny!

Jen said...

That is so funny!

You know what's really funny? I love watching male ballet dancers. I really, really do. They are so strong and graceful and when they leap it's like their flying. I have issues, I know...

I wonder if Shannon would have felt the same way when she was little? I'm pretty sure she would have.