Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snoopy Come Home

I saw this movie when I was maybe 6 or 7 years old.. My parents had gone out for dinner and left my older sister Lisa, my younger sister Jenna and me with a babysitter. We were all Snoopy fans, especially Jenna who carried around a Snoopy for YEARS, until all that was left of it was a gray, bald Snoopy head. But we all loved Snoopy movies, so I am sure our babysitter thought " Yay!!I can put on this show for the girls and I won't have to do anything all night for them.... Groovy!!!!!!" (It was in the 70's of course...)

Oh my goodness, was she wrong...

This movie had the three of us in a crying fit. Seriously, we were inconsolable- and I think for years we all had the "Snoopy Come Home" theme song in our heads. And also the " No Dogs Allowed" song... When I saw that this movie was on TV a few weeks ago I made sure to DVR it... it's such a great movie, but still makes me tear up a bit!!! Get out the Kleenex, Lisa and Jenna!!! :)

( You have to copy and paste it.. sorry!!!)



Jen said...


I haven't seen this in years! I used to laugh so hard whenever Snoopy cried because he started howling in the middle of it! I'm going to see if I can get this at Amazon, Shannon would love it...

Lisa Haass said...

I sooooo remember that! I have to get that movie for the kids. I'm sure that Grace will need to be institutionalized after that one!

Jen said...

Just so you know...I found it at Amazon for $12.99. I ordered it yesterday and I'm going to give it to Shannon for Christmas. She is going to love it, although I am a little concerned that she is going to fall apart watching it...