Sunday, August 31, 2008

Late, LATE night conversation

Last night we had friends from college come over to our house. Needless to say, lots of alcohol was consumed during the course of the evening, leading to this conversation between our friend Matt and Fred at about midnight...

Matt: "Do you have a hot tub?"

Fred: "No...."

Matt: " Well, you could put one in.. see where that palm tree is? You could take out the tree and put a hot tub there..."

Fred: " Do you think it could be done tonight?"

Matt: "Do you have an allen wrench?"


Jen said...

Oh my gawd...I cannot tell you how hard I'm laughing right now. I'm so going to use the line "Do you have an allen wrench?" the next time anyone asks me if I can do or fix something for them. That is classic!

Lisa Haass said...

That is so hysterical! Love it! And I can just hear it all going on!